In what way does your media product use Conventions of real media products?
For my music magazine my main aim was to produce my a product that look liked it can fit well with the industry i wanted it to look very professional and look appealing enough that it would be worth buying with money. For me to achieve this i had to add various distinctive features of a music magazine that would be present in a normal magazine. This included Masthead, Cover lines, Central Image, Main Cover line in my magazine; I have used my feature which is conventional to magazine. I have placed my masthead at the top f the page, my detailed positioning of my features would end up producing a very believable music magazine I also have a number of cover lines and a central image which i fought would be attractive and most appropriate my image suited the genre of my music magazine. My main cover line is in a different colour and larger font, in comparison to the other text. Other features of my magazine that challenges the forms and conventions of music magazines. For example, for my background, I have used black striped lines with the occasional red. the colour scheme help me to link it back to my main imagine and mad the music magazine more eye catching and eye appealing This was to make the cover appear more authentic it made my music magazine more unique because usually other designer would either go for the safe look of the magazine with the plain background but my background represented the vibrant ness
Of the music. It would have been difficult for me to create the kind of background I would have wanted. In the magazine "distorted" the colour pink is used as a theme though out all issue of the magazine and is used in the title and borderlines of the magazine, I tried to portray this same technique in the image and back ground and various small parts of the title. The name ‘distorted’ lets the readers know what sort of magazine it is. I tried to use similar techniques with my magazine title 'corrupted sound' to have the effect of punk rock magazines. Corrupted sound gives a sense of vibration and eruption which I believe represents the genre of the music. the title of the magazine always give the genre so I believe it important to make sure the title is clear and in a way stereotypical in order to bring the correct readers
The font I decided to use was influenced by the magazine "distorted", distorted magazine master head letter are displaced and arrange in a muddled order I try to do the same with corrupted sound. the title corrupted looks a bit corrupted and ragged I have chosen to used display my magazine title in grey with hints of red. I used this to help
Represent my title with the genre of the magazine
The written content on the front cover are conventionally keep to a minimum, in order to draw more attention to the images, as well as to avoid the page from appearing too clustered. The featured written content is in the form a cover line, which relate to other articles within the magazine. There may also be the use of puffs, to appeal to the reader, and a strap line. In this sense, I have adopted many of the convention found in music magazines, as I have used these features. Music genre and how your magazine suggests the manner in which the magazine portrays it musical genre can be achieved through various features. In "distorted", the use of a title with rock music connotations, as well as an artist like ‘’ would provide indications as to the genre. This is similar to Glam rock magazine‘’, where the artist, and his fame in a specific musical genre would suggest its genre. As I am unable to employ the use of internationally acclaimed artist, I have to use other methods. E.g. vibrant colours and distinctive headlines
How does your media product represent particular social groups
my main imagine is of a female girl called Daniela her pose is a dominate ideology of how punk rock people may act which is free will and spirited he pose with her fingers show an act of rebel and punk rock music which is rebellious. below is a video of how music is preformed .although Daniela who is a female is used to represent the social group punk rock is defined by gender but just purely for the like of rebellious behaviour.
The models style and dress sense are stereotypically designed to fit in with the rock genre which will also attract the target audience as it may reflect their own image. They will also be influenced and inspired by these artists styles as most youths are interested in being ‘cool’ and fashionable. Use of informal and taboo language enabled my magazine to relate to my target audience of teenagers and young people.
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I think that my magazine would be best suited to an independent publisher I think this because during the course of my work I have been trying to relate to punk ideologies (mentioning independent music labels/unsigned acts my magazine will be relating to the genre; alternative clothing stores, popular venues, music channels. My magazine should be distributed at music gig venues and also it should be available on line
Where the reader can gain extra access to the magazine and then become interactive by commenting and feel like they have an input in the music magazine The Shadow could be promoted online through You tube with exclusive content such as teaser trailers or scenes from the film. Also promoting my music magazine Social Networking sites such as Face book and my space could be used to create pages and groups for fans of the magazine which would create discussions and therefore more publicity to my music magazine through media institutions
My magazine could be distributed by the institution ‘IPC’ as this published ‘NME’ magazine which I based my magazine on because its rock. As the music genre I have chosen to base my magazine on is one of the biggest in the music industry, it would be sold in local newsagents as well as large supermarkets where other types of magazines are sold, as it targets such a wide ranged audience. ‘IPC’ has already successfully published ‘NME’ magazine therefore I believe that my magazine would also be successful as it is the same.
i would also consider EMAP for distributing my magazine as both companies are special interest magazine publishers, specialising in more my market
What would be the audience for your media product?
My magazine is intended to be aimed to appeal to my primary audience of age 16-25 year old females and males. The female target audience would; may be able to relate to the magazine picture and aspire to be her but for boys the main image could be appealing to them for that being there ideal girlfriend. There are many different ways the magazine can appeal to the social groups because it’s diverse.
in different magazine including nme they use the same techniques in order to appeal to both audiences at the same time. for example in nme the immage belows is of rihanna she look strong and independant. women of the magazine readers may look toward he as aspiring and and good inspriation . but ti also can appeal to men by her looking very attractive and seductive it may intrest the reader
in different magazine including nme they use the same techniques in order to appeal to both audiences at the same time. for example in nme the immage belows is of rihanna she look strong and independant. women of the magazine readers may look toward he as aspiring and and good inspriation . but ti also can appeal to men by her looking very attractive and seductive it may intrest the reader
i also did some reach and gave this quesstin to the public on in brixton asking what age group do you think punk rcok appeals tp. the results are on the pie chart above. many agred that punk rock is mainly for people aged around 16-24 with majourity of the votes.
Mature older audience who may be interested in rock/indeed music due to informal and taboo language used with in the double page spread, also, they can relate to their style/personality through use of the mise-en-scene such as costume used to represent her style and stereotype of being individual and alternative
How did you attract/address your audience?
Mise-en-scene of image in my front cover was a stereotype of what I fought look like genre of punk rock music I have tried to incorporate vibrant clothing and lipsticks crazy hair and awkward poses. Let will be more recognisable to the readers of this genre in music. my choice in costumes and props is crucial on the front cover, when attempting to convey an intended image but I keep imagine at a reasonable level of attention so that the articles will still be relevant to the reader ‘distorted’ features their main cover artist singing passionately in to the mice it also a middle shot his attitude shows punk rock including his tattoos on his arms another form of stereotypes. I have adopted the technique portrayed in corrupted sound; using a medium shot the image also brings strength of attitude. I have did use props but I used props in my content page. But in my research of analysing other music magazines there was not a prop of Guitar present. This may be because the magazine is well known or the person on the front cover is known for being the singer or an icon of music, this is how I wanted to betray my music magazine. For my questionnaire I realised that the image is most important if you want to attract the audience. It ahs to be appealing a relate the targeted audience in order for the magazine to be bought.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

7. Looking back at your preliminary task the school magazine, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
I have mainly learnt it’s important to plan and understand ho your targeted audience is. with that clear conception you will be able to proceed in success because you know you audience what they like and what is need this lead me on to learning more about mise-en-scene of a magazine and the effect it can have on an audience how simple things like prop and design can make an major effect on a music magazine and your genre. I also learnt that it is important to continue a theme throughout the magazine by using the same colour scheme and fonts throughout like the prelimary task. From the time of making the preliminary task I developed my skills at Photoshop, learning more advanced skills in the process of the next few weeks. This enable me to make my magazine in a quick and more efficient way the time taken on my preliminary task.